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The same day in London
-Freddie's POV-
After I had pulled John out of that bar, he had seemed a bit distant to me. He knew that I knew what he was doing. He was going to hookup with Paul to make me want to be with him.

I'm still not ready for a relationship but he doesn't understand. Well, he understands in a different way to me. He understands on an abuse level, mines just trying to get over a man.

However, last night was crazy. I made out with John. No further, just a make out. We were just hanging out together in my house when he started talking about how sorry he was. I didn't want to hear him so I kissed him and it led further.

This morning, I woke up with him in front of me. I was always a big spoon with everyone. His hair was so perfect and messy. It was almost impossible to pull off but John looked perfect with messy hair.

I loved him so much.

I shook him, "After this album, we should go on another tour." He pushed me away and groaned. It was a 'shut up I'm trying to sleep' groan. I hear them a lot.

"Fine, I guess I'm getting showered alone." I whispered before hopping up to get one. His head came up when I turned and winked. He jumped up excitedly even though he had just been in a daze.

I teased, "I told you. I'm getting showered alone." He whined at me desperately, "Freeeeddie that's just rude!" I giggled whilst I closed and locked the door.

I told him ALONE so I'm going to be alone.

I didn't get a shower. I drew a nice and warm bath. No music or anything. Just a nice and quiet bath.

A few hours passed and a banging came from the door. My eyes opened in shock as it had interrupted the only peace and quiet I've had for a while.

"Freddie hurry the fuck up! I need to piss!" a voice yelled from the other side of the door. John.

"I'm coming now!"

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now