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June 5, 1980
-Freddie's POV-
I missed having the kids in our house. We had gotten so used to them but now they had gone back home. Back to their actual parents. I wanted kids so badly. Not just adopting kids but actually having a kid. But we were unable to do that.

John sat in the studio looking at the wall for a few hours until the others joined us. Brian stormed in with flamboyancy, "Hello, everybody!" I chuckled, "Brian, darling, being flamboyant is my thing."
"I will do what I want!" He yelled without laughing. He was on the verge of it though.

John walked off and outside. He was acting strange today. I thought he might need to be alone so I just left him out there. It caught the attention of Roger, "Freddie, I hope you're joking! Get out there and help your boyfriend!" I looked Rog right in the eyes, "He might need to be alone."
"His facial expression told me differently! He looked really upset!" He shouted.

I rolled my eyes and walked outside yo find him. He was sat against the wall, tears streaming out of his beautiful black eyes. In his hand was a cigarette. I took it from him and sat down, taking a few puffs. I put my arm round him, "Deaky, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing..." He muttered. I kissed his cheek and asked again, "What's wrong?" His eyes produced more tears as he said, "I just feel so lonely. I want children, Freddie..."

I smiled at him, "Me too...why don't we adopt some kids?" He shook his head violently, "I want an actual child of our own with at least one of us actually being the father." An idea came to me. A surrogate. And I know just who.

"How about we ask Roger if he'll carry a kid of ours?"

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