I'm Fucked

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July 23, 1980
-Brian's POV-
We're in New Orleans. It's beautiful. It would be better if I didn't have to check every newspaper in the city. I woke up extremely early so I could make my way to the shops. Fred begged me to.

I walked to the nearby shop. The newspaper at the front displayed a picture. John and Freddie sat kissing on the floor with the heading 'Gay Frontman and His Bass Lover!' It was crazy to think this had started from a snap. The entire report was talking about how long they'd been together, how they got together and just everything.

Without thinking, I took the newspaper without paying. It doesn't matter if I've stolen it, Freddie needs to know. I ran back to the hotel and banged on the door for a long time. My knuckles were red when he opened the door.
"You need to see this." I said as I handed him the paper. His face immediately dropped when he read the headline and saw the picture.

"Fuck." He muttered as the tears rolled down. John came with a smile, "Hey Bri!" He looked at Freddie and immediately perked down. He asked, "Is it the paper?" He nodded as he passed John the paper, leaving the doorway to go into the room. John weeped at the sight, "My parents are going to see this! I'm fucked."

I gave him a huge hug, "Can I come in?" He shook his head violently, making tears go everywhere, "Me and Fred need some time." I nodded.
"Okay, but we need you tonight no matter what." I said with tears prickling at my eyes. I went back to mine and Roger's room. He was sat up, looking furious but not too furious since the kids were next to him, "Where were you?"

I cried, "They're out! And it won't be long before we are too!" His face became pale, "That's a load of crap! I don't care as much about us but they don't deserve this!"

He's right, they don't.

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