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(AN: Shoutout to Deacury_Maylor4life for the ideas for the next few chapters!!! And to JennaWalton06 coz she's my best friend xxxxx)

April 5, 1981
-Roger's POV-
I woke up early as I had done for almost a year. After the outage of John and Freddie, I was afraid people would dig up me and Brian again.

Today my nightmare came true.

On the screen was a reporter that I recognised from all those years ago. He was exploiting the relationship between us. Exposing my abnormality again. Exposing it all. Brian walked down the stairs with a groan and with those tired bags under his eyes.

"Hi hunny, what's up?" He said as he saw my panicked expression. I pointed at the tv. He immediately looked at it with a gasp. Tears rolled down quickly, "This is the last thing I wanted! The last thing all of us wanted!" I reached up, brought him onto the sofa and buried my head in his chest, "What do we do now, Bri-Bri?" Three single words escaped his lips, "I don't know."

As if she could hear, Adeline came running down at the speed of light to check on us. She said to us in her usual loud manner, "What's wrong, daddies!?" I wiped my eyes and let go of Brian, "It's nothing, my sweet cake. We just have some publicity troubles which means you're going to have to be homeschooled..."

Daniel came down sulking. He had heard us. He let off a huge sigh, "Dads, I don't want to be homeschooled. I like meeting people and getting friends like normal kids."
"You aren't normal kids. You are the children of two of the biggest rockstars in the 20th century!" Brian shouted to him in the kitchen.
"Maybe I don't want to be! Maybe I want a normal life!" He yelled back. He stormed through and upstairs.

"I hope he doesn't end up like a stroppy teen when he's only 6..."

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now