More Than You

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(AN: Sorry I haven't posted for a day, I've been at a friends house so I've been unable to do any writing. Hope this chapter is good enough and worth the wait xxx)

July 30, 1980
-John's POV-
I hadn't slept in a week. The newspaper was everywhere. At every show someone shouted about us, mainly calling us fags. It bothers me more than Freddie. He cared less that people called him a fag.

The tour was almost over. But I wish it could finish quicker. Being in the limelight was almost triggering another panic attack. It's been years since my last one but another one was constantly feeling like it was going to come.

"Babe, are you awake?" My boyfriend whispered to me in bed. I nodded happily. I could feel his smile in my neck, "Do you want some cheese on toast?" My head came up and I grinned at him. He laughed a little before getting up to make some. Our hotel room had a kitchen so we could make food for ourselves.

He came back a few minutes later with a plate stacked of cheese on toast. I grabbed the entire plate which made him snigger, "Not sharing?"
"Never!" I shouted with flamboyancy. He couldn't help but chuckle, "God, you love that cheese on toast!"
"Maybe even more than you sometimes!" I joked, making Fred's face drop, "I'm kidding. You always come first. But it is a close second!"

The door opened, disturbing us. Two children came running in with Rog and Bri coming in after us. Brian shouted, "You guys need to get up! We're going to Colorado soon!"
"Wait I though we were going to Colorado on the 4th?" I asked, my face going wrinkled with confusion.
"We're finishing it early for your sakes!" Roger exclaimed, "We don't want to but it's for you. You deserve it!"

I got up and hugged them both, "Thank you!"

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