Cried And Screamed

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April 22, 1980
-Brian's POV-
It was time to leave again. I hated leaving Barcelona every time we came. The kids didn't want to go either but they did have to be homeschooled at some point.

Roger dragged me out of bed whilst I was still asleep. My head hit the edge of the frame, forcing me awake and in pain. When I realised I was on the floor with everyone around me, I yelled, "Why did you do that!?"

Everyone stared laughing at me. Roger tried apologising but it was difficult since he was crying with laughter. I got up and gave him a little shove but gave him a big hug too. I then picked my kids up and gave them a hugeee hug.

We all started packing to leave. Addy was too young to know how but Daniel was helping her. Our son is such a gentleman to everybody.

Freddie and John had decided they'd pick us up when we land. But something in my mind was telling me that something was wrong. Something had happened to them whilst we were gone. I could always tell even if I'm away from them.

When we had finished, I wrote a little note to the hotel, Thank you for another great service. We'll be recommending this hotel to our friend. The May-Taylor family xox. I loved leaving notes. It was so cute.

Roger took the kids to the airport as I checked out. As soon as I did, I ran to the taxi. They weren't leaving without me. The airport seemed closer than it was when we arrived.

The kids cried and screamed all the way to the plane. They had gotten too attached to Barcelona. Roger reassured them, "We will come back one day." They stopped sobbing until the plane was rising.

Let's see if the boys stick to their words.

(AN: Sorry I might not post much today. Got a lot going on and it's my birthday tomorrow but I'm mainly just have a lot of stress at the moment. I'll try posting though! Love you 💕)

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