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August 13, 1983
-John's POV-
"Freddie, what are you doing!?" I shouted when I saw my boyfriend packing my things. He looked at me and smiled, "We're going on holiday."

I started freaking out, both with nerves and excitement. I yelled, "Freddie I don't have anything! We need to work on the album as well. We can't just leave Roger and Brian!" He stopped what he was doing and gave me a big kiss.

When he stopped kissing me, I smiled, "Okay, maybe we'll be good." I pushed him onto my bed to get him out of my way. He thought I'd get on top of him but I went over to my stuff so I could pack.

"What, no love!?" He complained and grabbed my waist. I pushed him off, "If we're going, I need to pack. We can have sex later." He tried to smile but it's obvious he missed me.

I packed everything I could before going to cuddle my boyfriend. I asked, "Why are we going on holiday anyway?"
"We deserve a break. Bri and Rog got a break, we should get one too!" He exclaimed nervously. He's lying to me but I don't really care.

After we had packed everything, he put it all in a limo. A fucking limo! He was so extra. He held the door open like a gentleman, "My man, your carriage awaits." I burst with laughter at his actions. I responded like a lady, "Oh, why thank you, kind gentleman!"

However, as a joke, I grabbed the door and shut it. He opened it quickly and jumped in. He shouted to the driver, "To Heathrow Airport!"
"You used to work there." I said to my boyfriend as I was cuddled into Freddie's chest.

He smiled and hugged me tightly. He whispered happily, "I love you."
"And you know I love you too!" I gave him a little peck.

We arrived at the airport perfectly on time for the plane. I got all my stuff and followed Fred to the gate. I looked at where we were going. It displayed the words 'Paris, France.'

He was taking me to the most romantic place in the world. What was he planning?

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now