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June 6, 1980
-John's POV-
It was weird. I hadn't had sex with anyone other than Freddie. Roger was different. It didn't feel right. I didn't feel right. I was feeling sick when I woke up. I didn't have the abnormality of getting pregnant but I was feeling the sickness he should.

Roger had left in the middle of the night so he could be with Brian. I missed him for a strange reason. I loved Freddie. I got up and threw up in the bathroom next to my room.

I immediately called Freddie. He answered straight away, "Hey?"
"Baby, I need you. I'm scared..." I said with my teeth chattering. He could sense I needed help, "I'll be right there." He ended it.

After a few hours, he came. I was laid in my bed, trying to get to sleep. He sat next to me, "What is it?" I stuttered, "I w-woke up f-f-feeling sick but I-I'm not o-one of them..." His face dropped, "I think you need to test..."
"You don't think I have? I bought one for Roger but he left it here. I tested. It was negative..." I mumbled. He smiled, "It is probably nothing. I'll stay with you."

He got into bed with me and became the big spoon. He was always the big spoon. It got a bit annoying. I whispered to him, "To think, we won't be able to do this much when there is a kid running around." He gasped in a sarcastic matter, "Really? Oh no!" I chuckled at him and turned myself around. I said, "Did you know I love you?"
"Nope!" He smiled widely, showing his teeth too. He usually hated his teethe being exposed but now he has a moustache, it's easier to hide them.

We're going to have a child. I think...

(AN: Sorry if these aren't that good, I'm struggling a bit as I'm trying to write, do school work, socialise and deal with rejection. It's made me feel so bad and stressed at the moment. If I don't post for a while, it's because of it. However, if I do post and it's not any good, let me know and give me some ideas. I love you all and thank you for 400+ reads on this one!)

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