It's Complicated

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August 24, 1983
-Roger's POV-
I finally got to leave. Without my baby but I got to leave after my fall. Luckily, I only had to wait over a week to be able to take him home. Little Felix.

However, I thought coming home would be great. The kids would both be waiting happily together with food that hopefully Freddie or John had made.

Instead, since it was early, they were asleep and Addy was sat in front of the tv. Daniel wasn't anywhere to be seen. I knew he had friends he went out with but it was too early.

Panic was filling me up more than it was before with Felix. Brian was holding onto me whispering, "It's okay, he's probably just downstairs. He can't be far. He wouldn't go far..."

The little bit of uncertainty in his voice didn't help my emotions. I was always more emotional after giving birth which most people still don't understand.
'It's complicated' is what I always tell them.

The door behind us slowly opened and in walked a cautious Daniel. His eyes were red and bloodshot. I recognised the look too well. He was high. He's fucking 8 and he's already doing drug.

"Where the hell have you been? Are you doing drug!?" I yelled. Brian tried calming me down but he went through the roof once he looked at his face.

Daniel broke down, "I'm sorry, my friends pressured me as did the person I'm dating who is older and is convincing me to do these things. I'm sorry! I'll stop, I'm not addicted so I can stop..."

I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug, "It's okay...never do things like this...I don't want anything to happen to you...but what is this about who you are dating? Who is she?"

He stayed quiet. It meant one thing.

"Is it...a he?"

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