Bacon Breakfast

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-Freddie's POV-
I dashed quickly out of John's house. Paul would kill me when he found out where I was. He was always afraid of me cheating on him with John but he knows I wouldn't do that.

I got to the cafe in a matter of minutes. Paul was sat by the window on a two seated table. He looked aggravated, I guess with me. I tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned I planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Finally, I thought I'd be waiting forever!" He sighed with a bit of relief and a bit of anger.
"Sorry, I overslept." I said as I reached to grab his hand. He accepted it and smiled, "I ordered your favourite."
"Bacon breakfast?!" I exclaimed. I loved a bacon breakfast.

It wasn't just bacon though, it was sausage, egg, beans and a lot of bacon. It was amazing.

Paul nodded happily, "Of course, babe. I know how much you love them."
"Almost as much as I love you." I lied smiling. I didn't really love Paul, I love John. He blushed majorly and gave me another kiss.

The food came eventually. I couldn't wait to eat it. I loved this breakfast so much I ate it too quick. Paul was sat there, astonished at what I had done and a bit sad I had finished early.

"What time is it Paul?" I asked as I tried to look around for a clock. He asked angrily, "Why?"
"I need to be at the studio by noon!"
"It's 11:43" He said sulking. I got up, kissed him then left.

I felt bad leaving him a lot but going to the studio was necessary for the band. Paul hates me being in a band but he doesn't control me. I do what I want.

I got out a cigarette and smoked it before getting to the studio. They hated cigarettes most of the time.

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