The Scream

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March 14, 1980
-Freddie's POV-
I hate making John angry. He hated me for standing up to Charlie. I don't think it's because I did hurt him. It is probably because he's scared of what Charlie will so to us.

John hadn't arrived at the studio when I did. I was late so I expected them all to be there waiting for me but it was just Roger, Brian and the kids. The kids were running round and singing some of our songs. John wasn't anywhere.

"Has John arrived?" I asked as I went to make myself a tea. Roger stood up and shook his head. He came over to me and whispered, "I'm scared for John...I didn't want the kids to hear..."
"I understand. We have to go find him because I don't want him getting hurt again..."
"Because you love him, you mean?" He winked.

I shoved him and nodded shyly. He shoved me back then went over to Bri to probably tell him where we were going. Brian wasn't too happy but he understood that this was our best friend.

I grabbed my tea, quickly drank it then went over to the door. Roger came running out and to his car. I wanted to drive but they didn't trust me. I don't know why since they trust Roger who drives like its a racetrack!

I marched to Charlie's door when we got there and banged on the door. Nobody came. I thought nobody was home until a muffled scream came from inside.

I recognised the scream. It was John.

I yelled at Roger to help kick the door down. It wouldn't work. The anger shot through me more and I did the biggest kick I had ever done. It broke the door.

There was John, tied up on the floor with a rag in his mouth. Charlie was next to him with fists clenched. Before he could do anything, I swung at him. He stumbled back and fell over.

Roger untied John quickly and got him out of the house. I called the police for the first time in ages to tell them about Charlie. They arrived soon after and arrested Charlie. He shouted to John, who was trying to get calmed down in Roger's car, "I WILL FIND YOU, DEAKS. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU."

Two single words came from John's mouth, "FUCK YOU!"

He's so brave for shouting that to him.

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