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-John's POV-
We sat in the car for a long time. It was still awkward for us but we wanted to seem normal for them. They were finally returning but we came too early.

After an hour of sitting in silence, I finally spoke, "Should we go now?"
He muttered arrogantly, "Fine." I snapped at him, "Why are you being like this!?"
"I'm just tired of you being stupid! I know you kept going out to clubs to make me jealous!"
"I'm doing it for me to be happy! You aren't my boyfriend!"

"But I want to be!" He yelled. I gave a little gasp. He did want to be with me.
"I want to be with you too..." I sighed, "But you keep saying you aren't ready."
He smiled and held my hand, "I'm ready now." He leaned in slowly and pressed his soft lips against mine.

We paused for a minute after in a silence. I chuckled at us, "We don't want to be late for them..." he smiled back, "Let's go, boyfriend."

Boyfriend. It felt good.

"Addy!" Fred yelled as the little girl came running at him. Daniel came running at me shouting, "Uncle John!" I grabbed him in my arms and tried to lift him before giving up. He was getting heavier.

"I was afraid you wouldn't be here to greet us!" Roger exclaimed in surprise. Brian agreed before asking, "Has something happened between you?" Freddie grabbed my hand and smiled, "We're back together!" They both squealed happily for us.
"Are you sure it's going to work?" Roger asked concerned. I nodded happily, "We're going to stay together this time. Nothing can stop us!"

We helped with their stuff and put it in our car and Roger muttered with a grin, "I'm in love with my car." I heard and almost cried with laughter. The rest of the boys were really confused as me and Roger were almost curled up on the floor.

I muttered to Roger, "You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese." It broke us completely.

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now