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September 2, 1983
-John's POV-
They finally got to bring Felix home. It had been a stressful week before for them. They found out about Daniel being bisexual and with Felix being in the hospital.

We had to move back out of their house. Well it is their house. Freddie loved it there but when he knew he had to go, he grabbed everything and left.

I woke up surprisingly late and immediately went downstairs to make breakfast. Freddie was already there. I could see the cheese on toast on the counter.

"Hi, babe. Why are you up so early?" I asked as I stretched. He chuckled, "It's almost 10. I think it's a bit late."
"Right of course. Fuck." I grabbed my side which started 'hurting' in that moment.

He came rushing towards me since he thought I was in pain. I quickly grabbed the cheese on toast and ran upstairs. I could hear his laughter from the bedroom.

Fred came up laughing, "You bloody genius." I mumbled happily, "I'm hungryyyyy!" He came over and hugged me. I protected the food a lot.

He just chuckles.

"What do you think about recording in America or Munich?" He asked. He was talking about the band. I nodded which meant 'sounds great' but it didn't portray it since it was just movement.

"It sounds okay, Freddie, but the others need to decide." I stated, putting the food down. He nodded, "I will, I mean they already bought a house in LA and I want to so I think it's a good idea!"
"Wait they got a house in LA?" I questioned. They never told me.

"Yeah, last year." He mumbled. I scoffed, "Of course they didn't tell me. I am always the last to know when it comes to them two..."
"That's not true and you know it. And who cares if they don't tell you anything!"
"I care!"

How the fuck could they not tell me!?

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now