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(AN: Trigger warning)

April 12, 1981
-Freddie's POV-
He hasn't recovered. It's been a week since his parents disowned him and he was not fully fixed. His attitude had changed. He was...depressed. He never wanted to leave his house, if I tried to go and cuddle him he would push me away.

Today I rung him around 23 times and he never answered. I thought he might not be awake so I got a shower. I tried again but he still wasn't answering. I got in my car and drove to his house. I banged on the door and his tired face poked out from around the door. He mumbled, "Hi."
"Hey babe. How are you today?" I asked as I tried looking in his house.

I was fearing he would kill himself. He seemed like he would.

"I'm fine...can you go away? I'm doing something..." He muttered quickly. Sirens went off in my head, fear filled me from head to toe as did my curiosity -it got the better of me. I pushed him out of the way so I could look. A rope was hanging on the ceiling with a chair underneath it.

I turned to John who was sat on the floor in tears. I gave him a huge hug, "It's going to be okay. You don't need to do this. We love you..." It made him worse. He was bawling in a mess. Nothing was stopping him. I took down the rope and put the chair back. I sat next to him, "Move in with me for a bit. It will help you."

He nodded slowly as he buried his head in my chest to cry. I did a calming shush to get him to calm down. Suddenly the door opened more and Brian walked in. His smile disappeared once he looked at us. I asked, "How did you know we were here?"
"I went to yours but you weren't there. This is the only place you could be!" He said.

"Saying I don't have a life? Thanks Bri!" I said jokingly. A little laugh came from John. I felt the smile emerge.

He needs my help.

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