32 Years

113 11 1

At the same time
-John's POV-
We had made it there. My parents house was right next to me. Last time I was a nervous wreck but I feel confident to confront them this time.

Freddie held my hand and told me, "You don't have to do this. We can just do it another day." But I shook my head. I wasn't going to wait any longer.

I got out of the car and marched my way towards their door. I lifted my hand to knock...but it didn't move. The nerves came back and I was afraid of what they'd say.

Freddie, being the bitch he is, pushed me into the door so it made noise. I hit his arm gently before the door opened.

My mother stood there for a moment then tried closing it. I put my foot in the way and took a breath.

"Mom, there is nothing wrong with me. I'm still your son and I've been your son for bloody 32 years and one little thing won't change that. You are my mother and I love you. I'm not going to apologise for loving men (at which point I grabbed Freddie's hand) because it's just who I am."

She started crying to us, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have been that way but it's just what I have been told to believe. Come here." She opened her arms wide for me to hug her. I ran into them like a child and stayed there crying.

Freddie was smiling so perfectly for this moment. She let go and asked, "I'm guessing this is your boyfriend?" I shook my head, "Fiancé. He's a gentleman to me, Mum, so you don't need to worry."

He reached his hand out for her to shake. Surprisingly, she did shake his hand.

"What about dad..." I asked, my mood sinking to the floor.
"Don't talk to him yet, I'll try and talk to him first!" She said.

She closed the door with some farewells and we left them. Freddie squeezes my hand, "I told you it would go well!"
"I love you, Freddie Mercury."
"And I love you, John Deacon."

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now