The Game

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-Roger's POV-
"You're late!" I shouted from across the room. He promised he'd be here by noon. It's 12:14. We were so tired of him being late because of Paul. He was struggling to breathe since he must have had to run here, "I'm...sorry guys...I was having...breakfast with-"

"Paul?" Bri said sarcastically. Freddie didn't realise the tone of voice so he just nodded. John gave a quiet scoff and eye roll before walking over to his bass. That Fred did notice, "Have you got a problem with that, John?"

"Yeah, you're wasting our time that we could be spending with family," he shouted, pointing to us before looking back, "Or with our other friends!"
"Well, I'm sorry for having a relationship that I'm happy in!"
"Are you saying I didn't make you happy!?" John yelled.

There was a silent moment. A while back, Freddie told us he still loved him a lot and John had told us the same.

Freddie sighed to break the silence, "No, you made me so happy..." It made John go extremely red. We all pretended it didn't happen and went over to all of our instruments. We were working on The Game.

After an hour, Freddie said, "I have to go! Paul and I are going on a date." I sighed, "Off you go then." It was getting annoying when he disturbed our working with stupid dates. It was either a restaurant or the movies. It was a load of bullshit.

He grabbed his coat and rushed out the door. John let out a sigh, "Why does he have to be dating him? He's not good enough for Freddie..." I grabbed his shoulders and gave it a shake, "He'll come to his senses soon."

"He won't though, he loves Paul..."
"You don't know that."
"Yes I do..." He said as he walked away.

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