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-Daniel's POV-
Our parents have abandoned us. No parent fucking does that. Yet ours did. All because of a new baby. It's going to replace me in the family. Once he is back home, they won't care about me.

Luckily, Uncle John and Uncle Mercury have moved in for a bit so we had a guardian. They weren't around for long though. As soon as they came, they told us, "We're going to John's parents house. We won't be too long."

Which meant I had to look after Adeline since she's too young to care for herself. I mean, she is only 4 but I'm only 8! I shouldn't be doing this yet.

I knew how to make soup but that was it. Dad 1 and Dad 2 need to teach me something.

Addy came running to me crying, "Where's daddies! I miss them!" I held her tightly into my chest, "They are at the hospital. Don't worry, they'll be home soon. I'm here for you."

She calmed down when I got her an ice cream from the freezer. She got it and sat herself in front of our tv. That would distract her.

Every time my parents left and Addy was distracted, I snook out to meet my friends. They usually were doing drugs and I did too. It helped with all the pain I'm going through.

So when Addy was asleep on the sofa since she fell asleep watching the tv, I left to go to the alley across the road. I made sure no one was around before I went in.

They were all stood there waiting for me. One of them, Jem, smirked sexily at me, "Glad you could make it!"

I liked boys and I knew it. Especially Jem. He was sexy as fuck but he was 12... He handed me the weed and told me to light up.
And I did. It felt amazing.

Before I realised, we were on my houses roof. All messing around. Jem came towards me, wrapped his arms round my waist and smiled, "I think I love you."

"I think I love you..." I said back to him. He softly pressed his lips against mine happily, moving his hands to cup my face. It felt amazing and I kissed him back.

Suddenly a shout interrupted us, "Kids! What are you doing up there?!"

Shit. The cops.

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now