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July 11, 1983
-Roger's POV-
Brian had told me everything. Fred was proposing. It was amazing to see he would go back to that after the first time. And the new child will be around for the wedding so it's even better!

We found out that it was another boy! I might finally get the connection with a son since Daniel was mainly Brian's child.

I don't know what is up with Daniel at the moment but he is getting really agitated at everything and he's just moody in general.

I knocked on his door, "Daniel, get up. It's time for school!" A grown came from the inside, "I'm already fucking ready!" I marched in angrily. He was sat playing his bass. I yelled, "What is it!? What am I doing wrong!?"

He looked a bit startled at me but he soon started crying. I had never seen a single tear leave his eye before. He cried, "I can't take it! I get bullied every single day at that school!"
I gasped and knelt down to hug him, "I...I'm so sorry, honey. Why don't we transfer you to the same school as your sister?"

I put them in different schools so that nobody realised who they were. If one was at one school and the other was at a different one, it would be harder to tell who they were.

"It won't make a difference. Having gay parents- one being able to have kids as well- isn't very accepting. It'll happen wherever I go!" He shouted through his tears. I suggested, "Why don't you stay off school today? We can talk to the school about it and see where to go from there."

He nodded shyly and whispered, "Thanks, Dad. I love you. Even if I'm not obvious about it." I smiled as I looked at him, "Love you too. I'll go call the school."

That school was going to pay for this.

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