Letting Himself Go

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-Roger's POV-
His face lit up when he heard us all. We were loud enough for him to get excited but not loud enough as to wake the baby sleeping in my arms.

John went up to him, grabbed his hands and said, "Happy birthday, baby!" He smiled wider than I'd seen him smile in a few years. He exclaimed, "I can't believe you did this for me, John!"

"That's why I was a dick to you recently since I didn't want you to find out about this!" John exclaimed. I covered the Addy's ears to make sure she didn't hear the swearing. Brian grabbed Fred's shoulders and shook him, "And that's why I made you become a prick and annoyed the hell out of you!"

"You were more of a prick than I was, darling!" Fred shouted flamboyantly at Bri. He yelled, "Now let's party!"

It went on for hours. I had to take the kids home and get Daniel to care for them. He's an angel to us. I wanted to be there for Freddie. It was his birthday and all his friends need to be there.

I started drinking lots of alcohol when I got back there. Freddie was definitely both drunk and high. John was getting a bit drunk but nowhere near as drunk as everyone else. Even Brian was letting himself go.

It went into the early hours of the morning, not seeming like it was going to stop. I was definitely going to be hungover in the morning.

John looked jealous and angry. Freddie was dancing with all the other men. I would be jealous if I was John too. It was only when one of the dancer was getting close that John stepped in.

"Don't forget, he's my fucking fiancé." He scowled at this dragged up man. Luckily he didn't pick a fight and walked off, giving Fred a wink.

John began dancing with Freddie to ward off anyone else. Freddie was too drunk to even realise what was happening.

He only realised it afterwards. In walked Jim Hutton that John told me about.

"Hello Freddie."

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