Wedding Finale

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February 10, 1984
-John's POV-
The day is here. I'm getting married to the love of my life.

I woke up early to go to Bri and Rog's since I didn't want Freddie to see me until the wedding, as if we were bride and groom.

They were all already up, getting ready and making sure all of the children looked perfect for this formal occasion. They were stunning.

"John, I got your suit ready upstairs, it's in our room!" Roger said excitedly. He had never been this excited, except for when it was his own wedding.

Since my dad hates me because I'm gay, Brian was going to walk me down the aisle. He's such an amazing friend.

I ran upstairs to get my suit on and fix my floofy hair. It was always so floofy and I couldn't fix it. Maybe Fred would like it like this?

I got my suit on and looked in the mirror. I looked astonishing. I was so happy to be finally having this day of my life. I had always wanted it to happen.

And I've always wanted it to be to Freddie. I've loved him forever and now I can fully express it through our bonding words.

"You alright, John?" Brian asked, knocking on the door.
"Yeah, you can come in!" I squealed. He took one look at me and got tears in his eyes, "I'm so proud."

"Bri..." I gave him a big hug and allowed him to cry on my shoulder. He was so emotional. He lifted his head up, "Its going to be great."

I nodded.

"Are we going?" asked the head peeking round the door. I chuckled at Roger and the multiple kids, "Yes, let's go!"

Fred had planned that he goes first and I walk down the aisle so I expected him to be there already. I stood nervously outside the room we were getting married in.

Brian gave me a squeeze on the arm. We walked into the room and music started playing.

My life was only just beginning.

(An: And that's it! This is finally over. Thank you for all the support you have given me. It has motivated me to keep going. I love you all and hope you will all stick around for my next one!!!! Special shoutouts to the ones who are here for it all.
Love you!!!!!!!!)

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