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January 15, 1984
-John's POV-
It was a month until the wedding and I was getting incredibly nervous. I had my outfit and my vows but the thought of commitment was terrifying.

I stayed away the whole night thinking about never being with anyone else. Never being able to have another love of my life. Never having a new lover.

I'm with Freddie forever. I love him so much, he's perfect for me but I can't help but worry about everything to do with the wedding.

I stared at his sleeping face whilst I thought about it. The more I thought, the more regret filled me. The more regret, the less I wanted to not get married.

He woke up and jumped a bit when he saw me, "Babe, why are you staring at me?"
"It's nothing..." I lied, making it sound like I'm lying. I was the worst liar.

"I don't believe you. Please tell me."
"I'm getting doubts about marrying you..." I mumbled. His face dropped majorly, "Why are these doubts coming to you now?"

"I don't know. It's the thought of commitment that scares me a bit but I'll be fine. I'll get used to commitment! I love you!" I said with a hint of uncertainty and happiness.

He got up and dressed himself in the usual gay outfit. A white vest and jeans. He threw some clothes at me and told me to get changed since we had to get planning for the other two to play at the wedding.

We had decided that they would sing at the wedding when we had first gotten engaged. I was happy that our closest friends would be performing for us but it felt strange and sudden.

I was just getting pre-wedding nerves but it felt shit. I felt shit about marrying him. But I love him.

Really I do.

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