Spend My Life

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January 27, 1984
-Freddie's POV-
I still didn't have my vows. The wedding was in exactly two weeks and I still didn't have the binding vows. My suit was all perfect and I had bought the rings but I was struggling with my vows.

Roger and Brian came over when John was out to help me. Roger suggested me telling him about how you first felt with him and how the love grew but Brian suggested some sort of poem about my love for him.

I went with Roger's idea since it wasn't going to be difficult. It was difficult with them both peering over my shoulder to see what I was writing.

I wrote:
'John, you were the best love. From the first time I saw you, I knew I wanted you. I knew you were the one I wanted to spend my life with but at that time I didn't know what you were. When you turned out to be like me, I knew I had a chance. I took it and I love what I did. I'm so glad I get to spend my life with you.'

When I read it out, they both started tearing up because it was that beautiful. I didn't believe them that it was that beautiful but from the looks on their faces, it was.

I forced them to leave so I could keep adding to it and practice what I was saying. It sounded perfect to me and I knew John would love it.

I started making dinner for us both since he was supposed to be home soon and I wanted him to come home to my food.

He walked in the door after I had started cooking and he shouted, "I'm hooooome!" I shouted hello back to him before leaving the kitchen.

"Are these your vows?"

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