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January 6, 1984
-Freddie's POV-
"Freddie. I want to marry you soon. Maybe in May. I've always wanted to get married in May!" John exclaimed as we sat at the table planning what to do with our lives.

I wanted to marry John badly but I didn't know how to make it perfect. I knew it would be perfect for me since I was marrying the man of my dreams but I don't know what will make him find it perfect.

"If that's perfect for you, it's perfect for me." I flirted, putting my hand on his. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me. I stopped him halfway by moving close.

Suddenly, Roger stormed in with the kids running in after. He yelled, "Sorry to break the love fest BUT we have neeeews!" 'He was drunk' Brian signalled with his hands which was crazy considering it is early afternoon.

"What news, Rog?" I said sarcastically. He held Felix and smiled, "I have booked you a vicar for your wedding! He did ours and will happily do yours next month!"

"Next month!? We had planne-"

"That's fine. Freddie, we better get planning!" John said as he got up to push them out of the door. I laughed as Roger yelled for us to let them stay.

"Right so what are we wearing?" I asked, "Because I am not wearing a dress, joke or not?" He laughed and grabbed my arm lightly, "Neither of us will! We should wear matching suits!"

"You can't find out about mine until the day." I flamboyantly yelled. He smiled, "Whatever you want, baby." He said it so seductively that I picked him up and carried him upstairs.

"Freddie, be careful." John said as I threw him down. I chuckled before getting on top of him to make out. Slowly I lifted my shirt and his.

Great end to the day!

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