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-Freddie's POV-
"Freddie, what?" John asked me as I was knelt in front of him. I said it again in case he didn't understand, "Will you marry me, John? I love you and I want to spend my life with you. I know it didn't work the first time but this time I promise I will love you forever and I want to marry you."

His face went into shock but also confusion, "I really don't know, Freddie...I love you so much and I've never loved anyone more than you but how do I know you won't freak out and leave or cheat?"

"Because you should trust me. I've changed and you know it. I've never looked at anyone else since we got back together. I love you..." I stuttered with anxiety coming back to me. Tears came rolling down my face.

"Freddie..." John muttered before a smile emerged on his face, "Yes."
"Yes what?" I smiled with joy. I wanted to make sure he was saying yes to what I think he was going to.
"I will marry you!" He exclaimed.

My heart felt like it flew from my chest. I was surprised he said yes again after our first time... I slipped the ring on his finger as he ruffled my hair.

He started to lift my shirt but I moved his hands, "Wait my love. Tomorrow. Today was very...stressful because I needed this to be perfect."
"It's always going to be perfect. We're in Paris! But even if you did it randomly at home, I'd still say yes!"

I grabbed him, pulled him close and pressed our lips together. He slipped his tongue in as usual but he was gentle. He is always gentle. We stood there for what seemed like hours until we both pulled away.

"Maybe we can't wait for tomorrow?" He whispered seductively. He was right.

But he said yes. I'm so happy.

(AN: Sorry if it's not very good. I'm not feeling the best but I didn't want to leave everyone waiting so I just rushed this. Could I have suggestions for the wedding in the future? Maybe I'll slip back to Maylor!)

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