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May 19, 1980
-Freddie's POV-
We came back to a wreck. The entire band was fucked up. Brian was miserable and had a scar on his face and Roger had gone onto antidepressants that, according to Brian, he took from John's house.

We tried to keep working on the album since we wanted it out next month but with Roger and Brian's state, it was almost impossible. Me and John had been looking after their kids since they didn't want them to be around all their problems.

It meant waking up to them jumping all over us. Adeline always jumped on me and Daniel constantly pulled her off like a good child. He was a favourite.

We dropped them off at their school and preschool before me and John went to the studio. There sat a drinking Brian and an overly happy Roger. It was weird to see.

I asked Roger, "What have you been doing?"
"I can't even remember! I'm just happy!" He exclaimed crazily. I sighed, "How many this morning?"
"6 or 12." He said happily dancing around.
"Fucking hell! Roger, you need to calm down!" I shouted. He didn't even flinch.

Brian put his head up and mumbled something. I couldn't hear what he said. I went over to him, pulling him up and into the other room. I hissed, "What is happening? You need to stop drinking and sort stuff out with him!" He cried so hard, "I can't help it. And he's constantly on the pills..."

"Take his pills away, lock him in the basement. Do anything to get him off them." I suggested, holding his shoulder to calm him. He nodded weakly, "Sounds good..."

We walked back out and Roger was jumping round like an idiot. John was sat at the table with his head down, writing something. Brian marched up to Roger and pulled him away.

Let's hope they'll be fine...

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