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August 20, 1983
-John's POV-
We came back happily and to a surprise. Their son was born whilst we were gone. It shouldn't have happened but Brian filled me and Freddie in on everything we missed.
"Roger spends most of his time at the hospital waiting for them to finally say he can take our baby home." He told me when I got home.

I unpacked. As I was unpacking, I saw the beautiful vase given to me by Freddie for my 32nd birthday yesterday. It was beautiful with an intricate design.

When I was done, I allowed Brian to drag me and Freddie to the hospital. I was apparently 'too slow for him' since he really wanted to get back there for Roger. I asked, "Where are the other two?"
"They have a babysitter." He said expressionlessly.

He was going through some tough shit so his expressions weren't as normal as usual. Freddie asked flamboyantly, "What's the kids name? I hope it's named after me, darling!" Brian chuckled, "Nope! We called him Felix!"
"Is there anything in his name that links to us?" I asked. I knew there wouldn't be.

"No. His full name is Felix Luther Taylor. I haven't got my name on there so nothing get out again." He mumbled. I think we all were scared for being outed again.

We finally got there and we were dragged to Roger. He smiled weakly, "Hi, welcome back."
"Are you okay, Rog?" I asked, holding his shoulders. He was extremely pale and looked weak.
"I'" He fainted at that moment.

I yelled, "We need a doctor or something over here!" Freddie ran down the hall to get somebody. He returned with one of the doctors. He picked Roger up and took him to a room.

"His blood pressure is low, pulse weak and he's dehydrated." He said as he was checking his body. Brian stood next to him crying, "It's okay. I love you. Please stay."

We knew he wasn't going to die but we knew he was weak. Weak from what is still unknown. I hugged Fred tightly.

"Will he be okay?"


(AN: This is probably crap but I'm really not in a good mood and I feel so alone right now. I'd love it if I got a bit more help on this and I'm sorry for asking constantly for help I just need it. Tho I might go with the John confronting his parents and the same with Roger's. Maybe? I love you all tho 💓💓💓)

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