More Kids?

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August 3, 1980
-Roger's POV-
The tour was over. I didn't want it to be. I enjoyed it too much. It was like a holiday for us and the kids. But, Freddie and John needed to be out of the spotlight. We were getting more recognised in public. We were all called fags even though me and Bri pretend we have girlfriends. It would kill us to be outed like they were.

We were outed a few years ago but people have forgotten about it. It was when I was pregnant with Daniel and we were coming back from Barcelona. They were all there, waiting to bring us down. How they forgot is unbelievable.

I sat cuddled with Brian and the kids on the sofa. We were watching a film but they had fallen asleep so me and Brian just cuddled like most couples do. Brian whispered to me, "Do you ever want more kids of our own?"
"Why, do you?" I asked as quietly as possible.

"Maybe one day. I've always wanted to have three kids." I did want three kids too but I felt like waiting. My body probably couldn't handle another one any time soon.
"Maybe in a few years. When Addy's at least 6." I told my husband.

A thought came to my head. I'd stayed with him no matter what. We had never threatened to break up or even broken up since my little drunk mistake in the 70's.

"Okay. That's fine with me, baby." He muttered into my ear. The hot air made me feel tingly. He whispered again to me, "Are you hungry?" I nodded before realising he couldn't move. I sat up to allow him to leave but I couldn't do much because both of the kids we laying on my legs.

They were so cute when they were sleeping. They must be having sweet dreams.

(AN: Sorry if they are crap at the moment. Feeling uninspired but I don't want to leave you waiting for a chapter. Maybe give me some ideas?? 💕)

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