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-Brian's POV-
I came home from Fred's to a mess. Roger was storming around and shouting on the phone, "I demand you do something or I'm going to come down there. Or I might sue you!" Daniel was slouched in the corner in a puddle of tears.

I asked Daniel, "What's wrong? Why aren't you at school?" He didn't answer. When Roger got off the phone, he greeted me with a hug, "Oh, hi babe."
"What is it?" I asked with concern. He looked to Daniel and got him to come over for a hug. It worked.

"He's being bullied, that's why he's changed. He's bullied because he has two dads and the school isn't doing anything about it!" He said with anger and sadness. I filled with anger too, "Let's go to that shitty school! You're coming too, Danny!"

We all got in the car. I checked the time quickly. 1:21. We have a plenty of time before we have to get little Addy. I put my foot down so we could get to that school quickly. I was pissed.

When we got there, I grabbed both Roger and Daniel's arms so I could get to them quicker. The receptionist asked, "Hi, what are you here for?"
"We need to see the headmaster. Now." I grunted angrily. She immediately let me in to go there.

"Hello, Mr May, Mr Taylor. Why are you here?" Mr Guise, the headteacher, asked. An angry pregnant man stormed in after me, "Listen here, you better do something about my son's situation or I swear I'm going to ruin you!"

The teacher looked startled at Roger's violence but I was impressed. Even if he was getting angry because of pregnancy hormones.

Mr Guise stuttered, "I-I'll see w-what I can do f-for good o-o-old Daniel." We smiled and left his office. It was only when we got to the car that we realised.

Daniel was gone.

I opened the car and he was sat in his seat.

"How did you get there...?"

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now