The Glass Box

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August 17, 1983
-Roger's POV-
We've had to stay in the hospital later than we've had to in the past. It's because of how early our boy was born. He needs to develop in an incubator- or as I like to call it, the glass box.

It scared me, as a parent, to see my new born taken away and put into a box. I hated the feeling. Not many parents have to experience it and I never thought I'd be one of them who would.

As I stood outside the room that he was in, Brian came up behind me, "Hey, are you okay?"
"No, I'm not. I want my child to be with me and be able to go home and be happy but I can't." I cried, turning around to bury my face in his chest.

The kids came running up and joined me. Obviously Brian had ran away from them. I whispered to him, "You need to keep an eye on them too." He nodded discreetly. Daniel told us, "It's all going to be okay and we'll be able to take him home soon!"

It actually made me feel really happy. He was getting better at making people happy and he's better at being happy. I gave him a tight squeeze until Addy shouted because she was jealous.

Brian grabbed my hand, "Come on, you need to get home and get some rest." I didn't want to but I gave in. I was exhausted. I whispered to Bri, "Can you carry me?"

With no words, he scooped me up and carried me to the car. The kids had already made it to the car but I was heavy so I understood why we were such a long time.

I sat in the back and sprawled across the seats. Adeline got to sit in the front and Daniel was in the boot seats. Before I knew it, I was asleep, dreaming about everything good in this world.

It was disturbed by Brian opening the door. He smiled and picked me up again. He carried my body to the bedroom and laid me down. He whispered, "Sleep my love. You need it."

And I did.

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