Carry Your Child?

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-Roger's POV-
They came back in with wide grins on their faces. It was strange. Freddie came up to us first before John came and sat next to him. I looked to Brian. His face was portraying a shocked and scared emotion.

It was freaky.

John finally spoke up, "We have to ask you both something..." He nudged Freddie to ask but he didn't want to. They went on for a few minutes until Freddie said, "Roger...could you carry our child?"

My mind shattered. This was the last thing I would have expected them to say. I asked why. John's face became sad, "Well, we want a child that has either mine or Freddie's DNA in it and I can't carry kids and neither can Fred..." I stood up so I could take this in, "You want one of you to have sex with me so I can carry your child?"

They obviously had forgotten about that part but nodded at each other. I looked to Brian, "We need to talk about this..." I dragged him into the other room. I started panicking, "I don't know what to do! I can't have another kid, it could really affect me but I don't want to let them down."

He did the usual calming technique, "Well, it is our choice. What do you want to do? I don't mind." I cried as I nodded, "I want them to be happy."
"How will they be happy?" He asked, trying to encourage me. I shouted, "With a kid! I am going to do it!"

I marched out there and declared I would do it. Freddie said, "You'll have to do it with John since we have a past and I don't want to bring it back and ruin what we both have." I had completely forgotten about our past. The only part I remembered was the little crush I had on him a while back.

I grabbed John's arm and pulled him outside, "Let's go to yours then!" He seemed nervous but it didn't matter.
They were going to have a kid...

...thanks to my abnormality.

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