I'm That Attractive

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(AN: Sorry for all the Deacury chapters but this one is mainly based on it. I will as a Brian or Roger POV eventually! ❤️❤️)

March 16, 1980
-John's POV-
I'm free. I've been too scared to break free for so long but now I didn't have to. It was done for me by the police.

Break free. That had come to me years ago and I had only just remembered today. It could be a song...I Want To Break Free...Maybe not soon though, I'll wait a few years.

Freddie had stayed over the last two nights. I was too afraid to be alone. Even though I was madly in love, I couldn't do anything. He had a boyfriend and there's nothing I could do.

I woke with an arm around me. At first it shocked me but when I felt a moustache tickling my neck. It was definitely Freddie behind me. I wanted to kiss him. So badly.

Before my guts could convince me to, he woke up with me staring at him. He blushed out of embarrassment and smirked, "I'm that attractive? Thanks, John!" I giggled at him and his strange behaviour.

I got up and away from him to save myself from awkwardness.

Freddie seemed different since he got a moustache. He said it was because that's what all the gay men were doing. It was like a trademark. I would do it but I was too afraid.

"What time is it?" He asked as he got dressed. I looked at the clock. I muttered, "10:15, why?"
"Shit! Paul's going to kill me! We're supposed to be having breakfast together soon!" He shouted in a rush as he threw on some clothes and sorted his hair out.

Why did Paul have to exist!? He was stopping me from being happy again. This morning was the first time I had been properly happy and Paul had to ruin it.


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