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July 13, 1980
-Roger's POV-
It was happening again. They were fighting over nothing. They weren't arguing but John was giving him looks of disgust every time Paul was around. We were supposed to be practicing for the concert tonight but instead we were all watching them argue.

John finally yelled at the end, "Fuck this! I'm done." He grabbed his stuff and tried to leave. I hit Brian to get him to go and stop Deaky but he went over to Fred. He's an idiot sometimes but I love him.

I ran after John, praying he hadn't gone far. We need him. I knocked on his dressing room, "John? Deaky, let me in!" He didn't. I banged on the door harder, "Let me in!"

His depressed self opened the door and allowed me to come in. He sniffled, "I'm sorry. I'll be fine..."
"We both know that's a lie. Just talk to him normally. Find out what's happening. You might be over reacting," I said, trying to reassure him. Trust is we don't know.

"You don't fucking know that he isn't cheating on me!" He yelled, standing up to make his point. I pushed him back down, "Would he have left Paul if he didn't love you?" It made him look down out of stupidity.

I felt accomplished, "Just talk to him." He nodded, "Give me a minute..." A knock disturbed me. Brian's head poked round the side, "Babe, can we talk?" I nodded and looked over to the sulking Deaky, "You going to be okay?"

Brian practically pulled me out of the room, "Good news, Freddie isn't cheating on John."
"What's the bad news?" I stuttered.
"No bad news!" He exclaimed. I gave him a playful punch, "Don't do that to me. Where are the kids?" He started going panicky before remembering that they were in our dressing room.

John came out with a weak smile, "Let's get back to rehearsing. We have a big show tonight..."

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