In The Car

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September 5, 1983
-Freddie's POV-
I was trying hard to make today quite normal. I was going to go clubbing tonight to celebrate me being 37. It's just a number symbolising getting old.

John was being very annoying today. As soon as I woke up, he just acted like today wasn't special. He said to me, "God you can sleep forever! Anyway why don't you go out with Bri for a bit today?"

I groaned, "Why? I just want to enjoy today in my own way!"
"Well today is just a day. Go out with Brian for like a few hours." He demanded.

I rolled my eyes and got myself dressed into just some casual stuff. I smiled at John, "Do you remember when we all used to share clothes?" He did a little chuckle, "Yeah, that was amazing."

It went silent until John practically pushed me out of the door to get me out. I just sighed and made my way to Brian's. I knocked once and he opened the door and stepped out.

"Where are we going, Brian?" I asked as he drove us away. He mumbled, "Just going shopping. I need some stuff for the family." I moaned but he didn't seem to notice or even care.

He dragged me around the entire shop until he got everything he need. Half way round I groaned, "Why couldn't I stay in the car?"
"I need a second person to help every time." He responded quickly. I ignored it all.

He finally finished shopping and we got back in the car. He looked more excited on the way back. Probably because he'll finally be getting rid of me.

He took me to my house and went in first. He forced me to stay outside for a few minutes but he emerged back out. Brian grabbed my arm, pulled me in and-


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