15 February, 2019.

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Today was such a good day!

I spent my morning working on the marketing project and then left for college.

I soon met my group and the four of us collectively worked on the project as a group. And we did a pretty good job. For some reason, I didn't put in effort in the last couple of projects so it felt amazing to finally be back in the game, have some kind of control and not be completely lost.

Also, I feel like the four of us had demonstrated great team work skills. We took advice from each other and no egos were hurt during clash of views. We sorted it quite well.

Our presentation didn't end up happening cause our slot was towards the end. It's cool tho. We just got done with making our PPT. Now we'll have additional time to prepare our speeches.

My family likes to celebrate successes in life, whether big or small, and that's what we did today. We went our for dinner to celebrate my rank. We went to our trusted Chinese restaurant and had a lot of fun and good food. On our way back, we roamed near our part of the city, while playing general knowledge based pop quiz. Great family time!

After coming back home, I worked on my research paper and we have finally met the word limit! Wooohoooo!

I should really start thinking things through before filling my bullet journal's mood tracker. Today was undoubtedly a really good day! In the beginning, I had kept it as green but then I realised that I would absolutely love it if my days were like this.

First of all, I felt quite useful today, I was very resourceful to my team members, I was able to voice out my opinions and come up with ideas. I understood the project brief well and was completely immersed into it.

Then I was with my friends who were equally hardworking. We worked as a team and were able to understand and accept each others' perspectives. We had a great time together, working and having fun as well. I felt quite comfortable around them to a point where I didn't give a shit about the others around me. This is the kind of social life that I thrive for.

Then I had an amazing time with my family. I probably don't mention it much but I treasure my relationship with my family the most. First of all, we went out to celebrate something I had achieved so that felt nice. We went to a Chinese place which is my favourite cuisine ever. Plus we had a lot of fun. We joked around a lot and bonded pretty well as a family.

Finally, my research paper, which has been going on for quiiiite some time seems to be on the verge of being complete which is a GREAT thing.

My "perfect day" will never come probably because it doesn't exist. In that case, it depends on me to decide whether the day "felt" perfect or not. And today did. :)

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