26 February, 2019.

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Today was such a good day! Too many good things happened!

Today's Finance test went amazingly well and I even have a chance to get full if my professor really does go by his words and considers two answers for a question.

So in one of the sums, according to my understanding of the question, we were supposed to find the SGD/AUD exchange rate and that's what I did. But when we had to write the final answer on the question paper itself, it asked to give the answer for AUD/SGD rate. I was confused but I thought I had understood it wrong. So I cancelled my previous working and made a new working for AUD/SGD instead.

Now after our physical paper, we were supposed to feed in our answers on an online platform and guess what, they asked us to feed in the SGD/AUD ask and bid..... -.-

We tried to clarify it with the professor but he was all like "fill in whatever you have got". Now I had already cancelled the SGD/AUD working and there was literally no time to redo it so I put in the AUD/SGD ask and bid rates.

You can guess what happened. All this time we were supposed to find the SGD/AUD rate. The thing I had done in the first place! Our professor showed us our grades right after the test (like he always does) and that's literally the only thing I got wrong.  Everything else was correct. I'm happy that I'm still in the top 4 tho. At least in my set.


My International Finance professor is the last person who I thought would get emotional but after our online test, each of us got this message after pressing submit:

"It was a pleasure teaching you over the last three years. You have been a brilliant student and it has been an absolute delight to have you in the classroom. In this phenomenal journey of 3 years, I have seen each one of you grow and I wish you all the luck for the future.

Batches will come and batches will go but the batch of 2019 will always be the most special to me.

Signing off for the last time,
Prof. International Finance"

D'awwww that's so sweet sir! I'm going to miss you and all the other professors as well!

Random fact- I think I have gradually started accepting that I am an emotional human being. And not just self-acceptance but let the others know that too.

Today my research team and I got congratulated by our Vice Dean for being selected to present our research paper. They took our picture which apparently was later on circulated to various groups and even put on the college IG story.  It felt nice but there's also a big burden now. Hopefully we'll be able to justify the attention given to us.

My internship class today was all about analysing stocks and investing in them. And guess what boys and girls, I finally fucking invested in the stock market! One more life goal ticked off! Even though I bought only a couple of shares, it's a start. Besides, it's the first time for me to trade. I'm not going to immediately start taking risks. Now that I'm finally implementing the theory taught to us, I need to understand the application, learn from it and build upon it.

Thoughout this internship I would silently curse the others when they came up with trending stocks and their analysis. Today, now that we're done with the learning part, that was the only task we were given. And all the three stocks that I recommended were taken quite well by the representative. Not gonna lie, felt fucking great.

I planned to have lunch with Kristen and Paul after their lecture got over and coincidently, another group also sat around our area and we unintentionally ended up forming a lunch group of our own (only for today tho).

On our way to the station, we noticed a new biryani stall opened up. Kristen wanted to check it out so we did. She asked for the price and the dude in charge told us that they're running a promotional scheme where they're giving away plates for free. We were full so we decided to pack it up, Kristen asking for two plates. He insisted on us to try the biryani so we did. And it was good. The chicken had bones so I decided to take it for Alex and my dad. As soon as we were about to leave with our packed boxes, the dude politely asked us to pay. Dafaq bro, we were parcelling it because you said it was free! Turns out, it's only free when you decide to eat then and there. Anyways, the price wasn't much so we didn't mind.

I came back home and slept for quite sometime and then continued studying Statistics. I have started understanding some concepts now but I'm still far away from catching up with what is currently being taught in class.

Today's Run BTS! was SO HILARIOUS! In today's episode, the members had a debate with Suga as the adjudicator. Before the debate, the members had to come up with 2 forbidden words for each member. Of course the members didn't know what their own forbidden words were. Now during the debate, if a member ended up saying his forbidden word, he would get sprayed with water.

And it was hilarious! The topic was regarding the mint choco ice-cream flavour which I thought was very odd. Instead of the argument, I was more interested to see who fucks up and gets water sprayed. JHope tho!😂😂 The members had decided that JHope's laughing style would be his forbidden word and the poor guy wasn't able to figure out why he was repeatedly getting splashed.😂😂😂😂 I had a great time watching this episode.

I had a great day in general.

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