14 May, 2019.

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I started revision for Eco today.

I took a break in the evening and my phone was blowing up with 100+ messages and that's when I knew that our hall tickets were out.

My centre is not as far as the one in FY but what bums me is that it's not at all close to the station. And it's farther than my SY centre (but in the opposite direction). I have no idea how they've allocated the centres this time cause it doesn't seem strictly surname-wise. But there's a chance that this is a good thing for me cause I haven't yet seen any other person with the same centre as me. Yay!

I tired to finish the entire Eco portion today so that I can recover yesterday's lost time by again studying Audit tomorrow. I did get most of it done but I will still need to revise Eco one more time to feel more confident. So tomorrow I'll have to figure out a way to give time to both the subjects.

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