11 March, 2019.

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I got a big shock when I saw Seungri trending on Twitter today. Not because of that fact that he was trending, but because the article attached to it read "Seungri has retired from the entertainment industry"!!

Now I don't follow Big Bang. To be fair, I got introduced to them at a time when most of the members were enlisting or already enlisted. But I definitely know that Big Bang is one of the best boy-group to come out of KPop and the artists are mad talented. Their fandom is also very strong and the name Big Bang still holds tremendous value and aura.

There have been quite a lot of negative news about Big Bang members but even after all the rumours, it's never come to such a drastic point. I don't really know the specifics of the case or anything but I just hope the outcome is a favourable one and things don't get any messier.

Moving on to positive news now.

BOIIIIIISSSS! WE JUST GOT NEWS ABOUT BTS' NEXT ALBUM! So it's called 'Map Of The Soul: Persona' so I'm guessing this also a series with the future albums replacing Persona with other words. I frankly didn't think I'd still be this excited for their comeback but I totally am. I'm excited to see what they bring about this time and more so because they seem to be confident about the album.

It is still going to be a little difficult for me to completely follow this comeback because of the whole exam season but I think it'll be better than last year. I remember that I didn't even know BTS was having a comeback until I searched about them. This is atleast better than that.:P

I'm also really excited for Mamamoo's comeback. Their new song 'Gogobebe' already sounds and looks lit!

I had a very long day today so let's talk about it.

Kristen and Paul have taken International Economics are one of their minors and their final project is a really tough presentation. The format was similar to a G20 summit where groups of two act as representatives of a country and they have to suggest ways to improve trade within their respective countries.

The professor initially wanted to make it a big event but due to constant delays, they weren't able to do so. However, he gave them an incentive. He asked them to get atleast one person for the summit in exchange of some marks.

Guess who supported Kirsten and Paul. I readily agreed because I know how difficult it is to score when this particular professor is involved (he is our Stats professor) and why would I not want to help my buddies?

Turns out, no one else in their class had any friends. I mean, I was legit the only "audience". They couldn't convince even one of their friends to come support them.

The Eco summit began and it wasn't bad ha. So what happened was that the professor would choose any team at random and ask only one person of the two to present the entire PPT on his/her own. The logic behind doing this was that both the members were expected to be equally prepared.

Then the other groups as well as the professor would raise questions and the presenter would have to defend himself. In the end, the groups as well as the professor would give feedback based on the entire presentation (and I'm not just talking about the slide deck but the way of presenting as well).

And what I noticed was that most of the technical/ hard hitting questions and feedback came from the classmates while the professor only quizzed on the model that he had supposedly taught in their class. And his feedback was also based more upon the presenter's dressing sense, delivery of speech and the behaviour, instead of the content.

As a viewer I realised how well the whole thing was conducted. Had I been a participant, I would've been shit scared and afraid to take criticisms as it would affect my grade. However, sitting in the audience I realised how this will help people in the long run. Nice work.

I was mostly interested in Kristen/Paul and the South Korean presentation so I paid my full attention to those two. While for most of the other presentations, I was trying to look for a good time to sell my shares in order to save my portfolio.

I had to leave half-way because I had another class to attend. I hadn't even had my lunch at this point and I didn't even have time to eat it. Cost Accounts class went like it normally does. I feel like this is the only normal thing happening in my life as of now.

In the evening, I directly went to Amanda's place because Aunt S had something to give me. I knew that I am not going to be able to leave from that place for quite some time and I was correct. Aunt S convinced my mom to let me eat dinner at their place itself.

She gave me some cutlets because I hadn't had my lunch afterwhich Amanda went out to get some art supplies she needed for her interior designing course.

Aunt S and I have always shared a very fun bond but today was the first time she spoke to me as an adult. Because she spoke to me about her financial issues. I was pleasantly surprised that she felt I was mature enough for her to reveal these things to me. I tried to help her and to calm her down. I know she'll get through this.

After having early dinner with them, I left for home.

Okay now turn for my financial issues. When I had bought my shares, I was charged higher than the price I bought my shares at. My dad told me that it must be because of brokerage. But at that time, I hadn't really calculated just how much of brokerage they had taken from me. When I got my sell record today, it showed me that I had sold my shares for a considerably less amount. And that's when I realised that those bastards have charged me a brokerage MUCH more than required.

It's night time now so I can't do anything about it. I'm calling my relationship manager the first thing tomorrow and getting this shit sorted. This cannot be happening to me.

An Outlet: Part 6Where stories live. Discover now