27 March, 2019.

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I had a melt down in the morning regarding my pending Stats test.

First of all, I had missed the test because of an interview that was partly arranged by the college itself. It's a fucking legit excuse. Besides I had officially taken permission from the senior management for it. Obviously a placement interview is 100x more important than a damn test. Even if I hadn't taken permission from the professor, he was also sent the email so it wasn't like he was completely out of the loop.

If not everyday, I had constantly been asking the coordinator to schedule my test since literally the day after the test (14th March onwards). I had met the professor on 18th and he told me that he will have to figure out how many were absent that day and then fix one date for the (re)exam. I was perfectly fine with it.

But when I didn't get any response even after a week, I tried emailing and messaging the professor as well as the coordinator. In fact I would look for the coordinator everyday when I went to college.

And you know what the professor replied? "I shall revert as per policy". First of all, can't you talk normally? Oh my bad, I have always had the opinion that he couldn't. But then what policy was he going on about. They literally had to sit down for not even an hour, make a list of people who were absent and fix a bloody date. How difficult is it man?! Professionalism my ass.

Okay, let's say there is a 'policy' as he says there is, then when the fuck were you planning on implementing it and giving us a bloody date? There was legit zero communication from their side. They had left me hanging to a point where I didn't even know whether they were even taking another exam or not.

This stats test was scheduled after the farewell which was big joke in itself. Now it has been more than a week since our certificate course officially got over and I still am left to give my test. Doesn't that look weird to them? Why am I running for the test when they're responsible to get shit done?!

The reason they postponed the prelims was to give us time to wrap up our certificate course and let us properly prepare for the degree course. My prelims start on 1st April. It's legit the last week of college and they hadn't felt the need to tell me anything regarding the test!

Was the professor mad because I had surpassed him and asked permission from the senior management instead? If it's true then that's fucking stupid. You can't bring ego into such incidents.

What irritated me the most is that I have been a very sincere student for all three years. I had all my permissions in place and personally don't really have bad blood with any professor. In fact, I am one of the toppers. Then why are they treating me otherwise? Doesn't my insistence mean anything to them? Haven't I earned the right to be taken seriously?

Mom and dad consoled me and it worked. My dad was even prepared to talk to someone but I didn't want that to happen. I want to independently handle this situation and it's not even so serious that my parents need to get involved and talk to the higher ups directly.

I had done everything I could to follow up with them and now I feel like I have at least got their attention. I'll be ready whenever they call me, be it before or after the prelims but I just want to get done with the test at this point.

In the afternoon I got a message that my test is scheduled for Friday. I'm relieved. Even though I'm 75% sure the professor is going to set a very difficult paper this time, I'm relieved that I'll finally be out of this mess.

Oh and speaking of the professor, my opinion of him continuously degraded throughout the semester and now I'm sorry but I have lost respect for him. I obviously will be polite if we ever converse again- I can never be rude to professors- but it's going to difficult for me to see him in a good light atleast for now.

At 8:30PM:



Ofcourse I watched BTS' first because loyalty.

After much anticipation, BTS dropped it's comeback trailer for their newest album 'MAP OF THE SOUL:PERSONA'. The intro song is called 'Persona' and IT'S SOOOOOOOO LIT! First of all, the opening is legit the same as their 'Skool Luv Affair' album intro!!! Now I wasn't present at the time that album was released but because I have now watched so many of their vids, it feels like I was.

I've mentioned this before but BTS started out with hip hop as their main genre and then spread out overtime. With this trailer, they seem to have gone back to their roots. Maybe it's just for the trailer but they have. The beats were simple and everything but you couldn't help but bop to RM's rap!! He was the only one featured in this video (as is the trend with all their intros) and he did a brilliant job! He looked really cool. His expressions and gestures weren't overdone and it felt very nice listening to him rap. He looked like Jin at some points which was kinda trippy.

Oh and coming to the background, damn they didn't hold back on those graphics, did they? It seems to be a trend with BigHit/Lumpens ever since the IDOL MV. The opening and the first part of the videos was all normal and fun looking. But it was weird after that alien-esq RM just popped out of nowhere. And then there were quite a few alien looking beings dancing all around RM towards the end of the video.

I guess the "alien" is supposed to be RM's "persona" but let's see what happens next. I still haven't gotten hold of the whole series yet, even after reading/watching some theories.

I was totally hyped for and when this video came out because after BigHit revealed that BTS is going going to have their comeback with MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA and that it will be on 12th April, they hadn't released anything related to the album. They had opened pre-orders for the album but hadn't (and still haven't) shown what the album cover looks like or released the jacket photos. They haven't even released any pre-album video like Wings: Prologue or the BTS Highlights or Euphoria, nothing.

And this time, it's not a continuation. BTS is starting with a whole new era! A whole new series! ARMY, especially the theorist ARMY, can only speculate a little of what the concept might be because there isn't much to refer to.

This trailer is the FIRST EVER OFFICIAL CONTENT to be released for the new series of BTS' career so the the excitement was obviously on a super high!

Nice one BTS!

And now coming to my other 12 favs, IZ*ONE. They released the first teaser of their comeback title song, 'Violeta' and....

HOLY THE CRAP THE VISUALS ARE CRAZY GOOD! I was completely mesmerized by the set ups, aesthetic and the members look SO GORGEOUSSSSSSSSSSSS! I can't even pick one and say like "this particular member got me shook" cause each and every one of them shone, literally!

What a heavenly teaser! I cannot wait for the next teaser or better, the whole MV to come out. It's definitely going to be super good, I can feel it!

People say that it's going to be difficult for IZ*ONE to win on music shows because there are a lot of big groups having their comebacks around the same time (BTS and Blackpink are confirmed to have an early April comeback and there are rumours that Twice will also have a comeback towards the end of the April). Even though I think it's true, I would love it if the song is appreciated by people and IZ*ONE get their due recognition.

Good luck IZ*ONE! Good luck BTS!

An Outlet: Part 6Where stories live. Discover now