29 March, 2019.

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I was welcomed by a near empty college in the morning even though it was around 9AM at the time. I waited for about half an hour to 45 mins for my coordinator to arrange a paper for me.

According to her, she kept on trying to get the professor to figure the test out but he kept delaying it. Even when he more or less permitted me to give the test, he hadn't sent across the paper. Let me say it again, professionalism my ass!

I finally got my paper and a room/cabin to solve the paper in. I had to shift to another class in the middle tho because the coordinator was invigilating me had another full prelim to invigilate. So I had to sit right in front of the class with noisy kids around me.

None of it bothered me much tho. My only aim today was to get done with the test regardless of what all came in the middle. And that's how I finally got to finish my 3 year certificate course. Definitely not the ideal way to end something so major but I'm glad it's done once and for all.

Since I was in college, I collected my internship completion letter as well. Only, they had mentioned it as a 'Financial Project'. What the fuck?! The joining letter mentioned the internship tho. I have no idea what this is at this point. I remember that my NGO internship had also gotten messed up along the way and now this. I think I still am going to put it as an internship tho.

I joined Wattpad in 2014 (This one was made in 2016 but I had another account before this) and have read countless numbers of books since then, both brilliant and downright horrible.

Somewhere in the middle, I decided to make a book with my recommendations of 'Non- Cliched Stories' that I personally liked. I had updated it very frequently in the beginning but then as time has gone by, I have either not found a good book to recommend or I have stopped reading Wattpad books altogether.

That book does get some votes here and there and maybe comment or two at times but they're mostly about supporting/agreeing with the recommendations so I don't feel the need to reply. Because my views are already put up. But today I got a compliment by someone saying that I have good taste. It felt so good to hear that! Thank you, reader!

Oh and also, because I didn't/don't care about how any of my Wattpad books are faring, I didn't realise that the number of people who have atleast gone and read one page of the book was that high. 10,000 people are you kidding me?! And they seem to be from different countries! Woah!

Having said that, I really don't think I'll actively read on Wattpad or even look out for good stories just to continue the book. I have other things to concentrate on now. I'm just glad that the ones that are recommended are being recieved well by some people.

The firm that I had sent an application to yesterday has given us an assignment. I should have expected it but for some reason I didn't. They've asked us to research and write a 500 word report on one given CEO of a company and his role in the industry. We have to refer to annual reports, corporate directories, business directories and media articles as sources.

They will shortlist us based on the reports and then hold groups discussions and personal interviews in the next week.

Now the first hurdle is the report itself. I have no clue about this CEO even though the company is well known (shows how illiterate I am in terms on general awareness). I'm going to have to work extra hard to find some substance and present the report in an appropriate manner cause at this point, I have no clue how to go about with this assignment. The deadline for the report is 1 April so I have only 2 days in hand.

The Dow Theory assignment seemed so much more easier than this.

If (and it's big IF) I get shortlisted after the assignment round, we're first going to have a group discussion and at this point, I find GDs the most toughest round of a placement process. I am terrible at GDs because I don't have much general knowledge and I don't know how to put forth my opinions in an environment where everyone seems to be cutting each other off. Yes, I find PIs much better than GDs.

So that's a big worry at this point. Also, if you haven't noticed, they said that the submission of the assignment is by 1 April and the interviews will happen in the next week. So that means all this is happening during my prelims......

I am not fretting too much about this last point tho. A lot of students and even professors, by the look of it, are taking these prelims very lightly. I have as it is not been preparing well for the exams so this is not too much of a hindrance in that sense. Right now this opportunity is more important than the prelims. Had this happened before the finals then I would have thought otherwise.

An Outlet: Part 6Where stories live. Discover now