24 April, 2019.

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Last night I wasn't able to go to sleep that early. I couldn't stop thinking about all the people who I had lost contact with. I have not had a (virtual) chat with anyone for a long time. Except Kristen but that too not on a daily basis.

I felt the need to at least let Kristen know that I still care about her. At this point, she's the only one I am really in touch with and I don't want to screw that. I even sent her a message regards to my line of thought on this whole "friendship and staying in touch" issue. Thankfully, she doesn't feel like I'm a terrible friend. Said she knows it's in my personality to be distant once in a while.

Having said that, she advised me to take a day out sometime to (re)connect with some lost contacts. I think I might do that some day.

I did speak to her today. It felt nice.

I studied Cost Accounts today. Mostly the theory part of it. I'm pushing through everyday, trying to get things done, howmuchever difficult it is. My attention span is still bad but I'm not giving up hope. There's no point in complaining and feeling bad. I just gotta continuously put in efforts and hope for the best.

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