1 May, 2019.

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I woke up fairly unwell. Sleep didn't do any magic for me this time.

Alex and I quickly got ready and left for the theatre. Of course there weren't a lot of people considering it was an 8AM show.

Avengers: End Game was really nice. Before the film hit the theatres (and after the trailers were out), there was a strong rumour that the movie will involve time travel. And it did! I loved how they incorporated inside jokes from the previous MCU movies. I don't think I fully appreciated Ant Man and Thor's (yeah, I mostly use their superhero/pseudo names) humor until this movie.

The highlight of the movie tho was the final battle scene when all the previously disintegrated individuals came back. I love how they managed to give everyone some screentime.

Ofcourse the other highlight was the deaths of Black Widow and Iron Man. To be honest, I kind of expected the latter. As in, I didn't know Iron Man in specific will die but I knew that someone substantial would. That was kind of expected given that it's the finale. But I thought Clint would have had his way during the soul stone sacrifice scene. That was very unexpected.

I would've probably enjoyed the movie so much more if I wasn't feeling so weak. The movie was based on time travel so it was obvious that we'd see a lot of familiar scenes. But at some points during the movie, I got a tad bit tired of watching them. I was craving for completely new scenes. Maybe that's exactly why I loved the "Thanos-completely-ravaging-the-Avengers-headquarters-and-surrounding-land" scene much more than I should've.

With Iron Man dead and an old Captain America passing on his iconic sheild to Falcon, there is no doubt that the Avengers series has officially come to an end. I became a fan around Avengers: Age of Ultron and since then, most of the movies that I've watched in the theatres have been MCU ones. I have absolutely loved following these superheros and as a must with long series, I'm definitely sad that it's over now. Avengers old and new, you will be missed.❤

After coming back home I did quite a lot of Management Accounts break taking breaks, except to have lunch. I'm honestly pretty chill with this subject but I didn't want to get too overconfident. Besides, I realised that since this subject is linked with Audit, 70% of the portion is theory instead of practical. So I majorly did the theory part and just brushed through the sums unless I felt that it was necessary to actually solve them.

I have no idea what happens to me at night time. I just cannot bear to read one word. And me not feeling well amplifies the feeling.

We just wished dad happy birthday and now I'm going to drop off to sleep, hoping that I miraculously get well tomorrow. I hate being sick and feeling so weak.

An Outlet: Part 6Where stories live. Discover now