1 March, 2019.

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Today was a fucking bad day.

Today was the simulation day. I reached college and, quite some time later, reached the room where the simulation was going to take place. Ofcourse all the PG students were already present.

The professor came in, divided us into groups (us TYs were in one group) and began giving us the brief. Only, I didn't understand what the fuck he was saying. As in I had a general idea but things kept on getting confusing as he kept on giving us more information.

This was a business simulation where one person from each group was elected as CEO, one CFO and then four product/service managers. The four products were
-> a growing product
-> a new product
-> a matured product
-> a service

I was in charge of the fourth. From whatever information we were given, we were apparently supposed to determine whether we should increase the production level/ no of workers and their efficiency levels/ price/ cost and by how much. Everything is more or less interconnected so an increase in one place will lead to either an increase of decrease in the other.

I asked so many doubts but I still wasn't able to figure out how to even think about going through with this project. My classmates were a little more useful than me which made me feel even more bad. They seemed to have kinda gotten a hang of the project and were throwing numbers and saying things beyond my comprehension. I felt so fucking incompetent you have no idea.

Frankly, it put me in a dilemma. I sort of aced my Finance tests but it makes no sense if I can't solve real life Finance problems. They're not going to ask me to solve sums on my job, I'll have to deal with all this. And apparently by now, I should have learnt it. Granted that this simulation was mostly for PG students, but they are hardly a year or two older than me.

My morale went so down that I felt like I couldn't face anybody after the simulation got over. Days like these make me feel so glad that I do not live in a college hostel but far away instead. Mia was right. When you live away, you can kinda escape things for a while and have a peaceful mindset for once.

I was tasked with sorting out our payment for the research paper registrations and I fucked that up as well. First of all, finding the accounts department in this college was a pain. Then I had to wait for quite some time and somehow I could barely speak to the person in-charge. I had scanned copies of all four of our docs. The accountant lady told me that she needs to get an (email) approval from the Vice Dean so I happily left the place and started preparing my mail in the train. Only, I had completely forgotten that before doing that, I needed to take printouts of those scanned copies and get it officially signed by the college. DAMMIT.

My team mates seem kind enough not to give me an earful for it but I still feel very stupid for making such a mistake.

Now that we're on the topic of my unfortunate events, there's one more thing. I was supposed to ask our professor an important question regarding the Finance Project and I failed to do that as well.

That means I didn't do anything that I was meant to do in college. Frustratingggg!

I planned on working for my dreaded Finance Project and get it done by today itself because I'm going out of town over the weekend. But nope, I wasn't able to do so. It kills me to see how much of the project is still left to do.

You know what, I am definitely feeling bad and truthfully, very incompetent. But I really want to take steps to improve it. I hadn't decided which book to read after Tuesdays With Morrie got over. But now I think I've decided on one- Financial Management. My dad had given it to me last semester but I never really went through it even once. I think it's time I do so.

TXT released their album highlight medley video and I cannot choose a favourite cause literally each one sounds really good. What's interesting is that all the songs sound so different from each other but they're all so good!

I definitely do not want my days to go like this. Days where I feel the absolute worst. I am making continuous efforts to improve myself and sometimes when things look like they're taking a step back instead, I get heavily discouraged. I will definitely work on myself to have less days like today.

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