20 February, 2019.

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Today in our statistics lecture, the professor first explained the project to us. It's still very vague so the only way I can make some sense out of the project brief is to go through and understand his notes.

Today was the first time in forever that I understood something in the stats lecture. We all took about 15 mins to get there but we did. The entire class was kind of in it together. So if one person understood something, he/she would explain to the rest and so on.

It's very difficult to get such unity in my batch so it was good to see everyone help one another. Even I have recently started helping people other than my normal group of friends. I usually don't really help people unless they ask me. But there are some rare times like today where I feel like helping people out. It majorly depends on my mood tho.

I think this sudden urge of being helpful was because I sat next to new people and interacted with them. As in I know them but we were never each other's first choice to sit next to. But it turned out well.

I had lunch with Kristen and then hung out with her and Paul. I also met Gurtley. She had come for her marketing assessment but for some reason her mom had come along as well. Hopefully, she didn't make the case worse for us than it already is. You see, Gurley is a very secretive person so it's not easy to trust her. She has done things in the past that have been to her own advantage.

Anyways, here's some interesting news. The research paper that I was working on has been selected. Woah, I'm happy but frankly a little overwhelmed cause the next stage is to actually present our research paper. Our college is sponsoring so that feels a little nice but it's still us who will have to prepare. Wow.

Two other things that I'm worried about is placements and tomorrow's live market session.

Talking about the first point, I'm now a part of couple of placement/ internship WhatsApp groups and there is one opportunity for an internship. However, my dilemma is job vs. internship.

At this point in my life, I would rather do a job than an internship. If I apply, get selected and commit myself to an internship then will it hamper my chances of getting a job? However, getting a job is bloody tough and I also need some kind of security (be it temporary) that I have my life on track and taking an internship is a good way to do that, I guess?

Coming to the second anxiety initiating point, tomorrow we have our first ever live market training(?) in our current internship and I am shit scared. I still don't know how things work and I really don't want to blow my money by making stupid mistakes.

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