23 April, 2019.

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Have I ever mentioned that I love my room? I absolutely love it.

I made a daily time table for myself today. Seems like it's working as far as keeping me away from my phone atleast.

Alex's final exams got over yesterday so he went partying last night and stayed over at a friend's place. Good for him.

As for me, I did a bit of Export Marketing in the morning. My study plan is usually to focus on one subject at a time and alternate between practical and non-practical based subjects (aka subjects I like and subjects I get to bored to look at respectively). But now I think I'm going to continue solving sums until I get the motivation to do theory.

I really hope my university sends us our time table so that I can get even more serious about studying.

I solved almost a full Cost Accounts paper. Then I realised I need to work on memorising my formulae so I did that. Overall, I'm content with my Cost Accounts preparation. It's the only subject where I feel like I have covered a substantial amount of portion.

On the YouTube front, I mostly watched Korea vlogs from expats, something that I've been doing for quite some days now. I really want to go on a solo trip to Korea. I just don't want it to be wishful thinking. I want it to become a reality. I hope I do go on such a trip sometime in the near future.

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