19 May, 2019.

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The day before Finals.

Today I was home alone yet again but this time mom had made arrangements for my lunch. They left for another city in the morning. They had left Alex incharge of things (and me) until he left the house and the boy was literally breathing down my neck. He's worse than mom!

Anyways, he left for a lunch get-together with our relatives- the ones we met at the wedding last week- while I began my final preparations for Financial Accounts.

I didn't really feel that nervous for most part of this pre-exam period. But today, it was as if the hidden nervousness of all those days broke out all at once. I felt really anxious almost the entire time I was studying. 

I did calm down by night tho. I realise that one of my strengths while doing practical based subjects is that I try to understand the base of the topic instead of just knowing the steps to solve the sum. I had momentarily forgotten it while studying for one of the topics. I had tried so hard to mug up the formulae but would keep forgetting it after a while. Today I properly went through the topic once again and figured out the origin of those formulae. I think I won't have a problem recalling them now. 

It's currently 11PM and I'm calling it a night as usual. I'm a firm supporter of having a proper sleep schedule during exam time and I'm going to follow it.

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