15 March, 2019.

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Alex is a sweet child. It has become our thing to watch all Marvel movies together so today even when his friends were planning to go for Captain Marvel and I wasn't sure of my schedule, he told me that he'll watch it with me. Yay!

The hot weather is here you guys. I'm going to die in a pool of sweat now. Great.

In college today, I had an unexpected chat with Darcy. You see, once you haven't spoken to her for quite sometime, she doesn't seem that annoying. Anyways, I spoke to her and then went to look for our coordinator to figure out the stats test that I had missed. There is still no proper answer tho. Seems like I have to keep running behind them for it.

We had an eco 'crash course' class today and the professor, as expected, gave us a question bank for the exams as well as the markings. Nobody really came for her regular lectures but there were quite a lot who came today. Kinda sad that that's all everyone needs her for (and she knows it too).

I HAD MY RESEARCH PRESENTATION PRACTICE Y'ALL! My team finally woke up. I got through to them and we decided to meet up in college and practice. We practiced from 3:30PM to 7PM (there was a lot of stalling in the middle but yeah) I still hadn't perfected my part tho.

Oh, also! We thought that tomorrow, a panel of judges would select the best presentation and that would get published. Guess what?! Our paper has already been published! WHAT! I'm a published researcher now?! Woah!

Even then, I still need to do well tomorrow so I practiced quite a lot after coming back home as well.

I'm done preparing but I feel like I'll be able to breathe a sigh of relief only when after the presentation is successfully over.

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