16 April, 2019.

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I cleaned my bathroom today. It was long overdue and since I'm mostly the one who uses that bathroom, I couldn't depend on anyone else do it.

In the beginning I felt sick to the stomach. There were quite a few continuous instances where I felt like throwing up. But then I guess I got used to it. I must have spent atleast an hour or two trying to get as much dirt out as possible. It wasn't an easy task tho.

A reminder to self never to opt for white ass bathrooms. They are A PAIN to clean, especially when you don't do it so frequently.

My bathrooms still doesn't look as clean as new but I tried my best. It's definitely going to get dirty very soon but that's fine, it's inevitable.

I studied quite a bit of Financial Accounts today and that too a topic that I hadn't studied before. It's super easy tho, I have no idea why I didn't think of doing that chapter for my prelims. It felt nice solving the sums. Maybe I'm getting back into my "I love studying" mood? Or maybe not. I can't just base it off of just one day.

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