22 March, 2019.

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Today at the train station, I heard this announcement that asked people not to throw water balloons at the passing trains. It's kinda sad that they even have to make such an announcement. It's supposed to common sense.

I had a FA class today and we did one of the longest sums I have ever done in Accounts. No wonder people ask us to avoid attempting this topic altogether.

I came back home and first of all, sent an email to my Stats professor regarding my test. Hopefully, an official email will do the job for me.

The management majors of my college are tasked with organising the whole graduation ceremony and everything else that goes before/after it. One of things they're working on is a yearbook. A yearbook is something I've only seen in Hollywood movies or memes so I am kinda excited for it.

I think one of the sections they've thought about is to highlight our batch's  achievements so I was asked to send a gist of my research paper along with where it was accepted and stuff. I'm happy that they want to put this as well, instead of just including intercollegiate fests.

They are also going to have pictures of the whole batch with a quote so we were asked to send a formal picture along with a quote. I didn't have a formal one with a plain background so I got dressed (only my top half), decided a wall (in the house) for the shoot and took a formal photo with help of mom and Alex. 

As for the quote, I was initially confused whether I wanted mine to be funny or not. I have seen a lot of memes and the hilarious ones do get a lot of attention. I was thinking of commenting on how a lot of people get my name wrong. But then after pondering a bit more on the topic, I decided to go for a philosophical one. First of all, I think philosophical is more 'me' than hilarious. Also, if at all I or anyone ever come across this in the future, I want to them to know what my mindset was (is) at the time. I wanted the quote to summarise/relate to my personal journey in this college.

So I sent this quote: "If we did all the things we were capable of, we would astound ourselves".

Truthfully, wasted the rest of the day because I was discouraged with the amount of FA portion that I hadn't covered.

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