18 February, 2019.

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We had our final Marketing presentation today and it did not go well.

In the morning, Gurtley informed us that she has come down with fever and won't be joining us for the presentation. Gurtley is someone who does things very secretly. Ofcourse she does a great work but she normally doesn't let anyone else know what exactly she's doing. Thankfully, this time she had asked me to help her with her part of the project which is why I was able to explain Gurtley's work to others. We would have been in an even bigger trouble otherwise.

Deborah, Isabelle and I met up and we divided the parts amongst ourselves. We had done quite a lot of research and were thoroughly prepared for any kind of questions the professor would throw at us. We were still very tensed because of this sudden hiccup but we kept encouraging each other. I always get nervous before any such presentation tho and that's never going to stop.

Right before our turn, Deborah's laptop started malfunctioning which is why we weren't able to show some web pages/ Insta accounts/ ads that we had initially planned to show. We wasted a little bit of time in loading our presentation and even though I tried to divert their (the professor and another evaluator's) attention, I obviously couldn't engage them for much time.

Since Deborah and I had quite a lot of slides to explain, we had decided to let Isabelle begin the presentation. She wasn't able to do a good job tho. She kept blanking out and looking at us mid speech and that did not give a good first impression. It's totally a forgivable thing because even I have been in her place but it's.... just unfortunate.

All three of us had worked quite hard and collated a lot of detailed information amongst ourselves but the professor kept hurrying us up. It was as if she didn't care enough to hear what we had to say. She wanted an in depth research and that is what we giving her but she didn't seem interested. We had to cut short our points a lot, even skipping some slides.

In the end when I came back to the room after calling the next group, I heard the professor saying that we took up quite a lot of her time. It's our last presentation before we graduate! We need to be able to explain everything to you in detail so that both of us can be relieved of the fact that we have in fact learnt quite a lot from taking admission into this college!

It was totally not the kind of last presentation I was hoping for. We were highly unsatisfied. I don't know if the remaining two projects is presentation or viva based but I'm going to work extra hard to ensure those two go well.

One good thing about today's presentation was that I realised that I spoke very confidently. Nobody told me this but I could feel that I spoke well and confidently. That's a very very good thing. I remember what a mess my first ever presentation in this college was. Over the last three years, I have definitely improved my presentation skills.

In another good news, Happy Birthday JHope!💜

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