Raine sat in her car on her way home with the biggest headache. Not only did she deal with Kaden Gamble, but she also had to deal with Craig and Silver’s messy relationship.
Their meetup ended with Craig leaving in anger at Silver’s biting words and Silver’s hot and cold words towards her. On a regular night, Raine would have found Silver’s words entertaining and her presence enjoyable. However after a long day of work and telling off Kaden Gamble, she didn’t have the patience for Silver’s needy contradictions.
The words Silver said to Raine were words that would push and pull Raine’s feelings. On one hand, she would confess her jealousy, then switch around and confess her attraction.
Raine didn’t know what to believe, so usually she took Silver’s words as a joke. However tonight, Silver’s words and actions pushed Raine to leave Silver behind.
Craig had just left in a huff as Silver watched him leave the VIP room. A look of longing and hate reflected against her features.
“What is it about you that makes Craig like you so much?” Silver suddenly said.
“What are you even asking?”
“What is it about you that makes Craig want to court you like a woman, rescue you like a damsel in distress, and place a ring on your finger like lady?”
“You’re talking nonsense.”
“But I’m not. He’s different you know. When he’s around you. I can tell. I know him better than he knows himself. And it annoys me that he can act and be so hypocritical towards you and me. So it makes me jealous, because I’ve been the constant woman by his side, however he never looked at me that way or treated me the way he treats you.” Silver confessed. “So I want to know, what is it about you that makes him like you so much?”
“He probably just see me as a new and shiny toy that he wants to play with.” Addison told Silver. “Because I’ve been very clear with him and you of where we stand with one another, he can’t stand the thought of someone saying ‘no’ to him. He also likes the chase as well. The thought to conquering something you can’t have is a turn on for him.”
Silver sat back and thought about Addison’s words.
“Would you let me conquer you?” Silver suddenly said as she turned towards Addison. “Just give me one night. One night and I’ll be satisfied.”
Addison sighed loudly and placed her glass down on the table and stood up. She was tired of having the same conversation with Silver.
“You and I both know, that you could never satisfy me… so just let it go.”
“I can’t.”
“Why? You’re not my type.”
“Don’t you mean, because I’m not your dead lover?!? I can pretend to be him for you, just let me be with you.”
“You’re not him. You’re nothing like him and you’ll never be him. So just stop trying to sleep with me. Because you and I both know, you just want to sleep with me to get back at Craig. And I’m tired of being in between the two of you. Stop using me as an excuse to hurt him. I’m not your chess piece, I’m supposed to be your friend. And for the past six months, you have been nothing but a total cunt.”
Addison began to walk away, however she was suddenly pulled back by Silver’s hand on her wrist.
“Wait. You’re right. I’m sorry. I… don’t know what’s gotten into me. It’s like I’m a completely different person when I’m around you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. But what I do know is that I don’t want to lose you. Please, don’t leave me.”
“I think we should take some time to cool off and think about what kind of a friendship we want from each other. I’ll contact you when I’m ready to talk.” Addison said as she pulled her hand away from Silver. Addison hesitated for just one moment before leaving.
Addison never looked back once when she walked away. Silver stood still as she watched Addison move farther and farther away. Her heart felt stuffy as tears threaten to fall. She felt as if she would never see Addison again and it was all her fault.

The Lazy Life Of Raine
FantasyRaine Marcella was tired. Tired from working several part time jobs to support her family, while taking care of her sick grandmother. Tired of not living for herself, but for others. Tired of taking care of everyone else. Tired of being taken ad...